Videos on Balance Techniques
Natural Rhythmic Breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system taking us out of crisis mode
Dealing with obstacles to Natural Rhythmic Breathing
Thought Re-Focusing and the use of a Rhythm Phrase to redirect negative or unhealthy thinking
Meditation technique that trains us to recognize where are thoughts are taking us while developing the capacity to redirect
thinking in a healthy direction.
Description of Body-Mind-Brain relationship based on clinical experience and observation. - The brain is more of a coordinator
than a director; How pathways in our brain affect thought and perception - 11 minutes
Description of the components of body, mind, perception and emotion that most effect Balance and how they interact -18 minutes
LCC CTE Presentation 4-6-17
Restoring and Maintaining Physical, Mental, and Emotional Balance: Start with the Body -- Describes why it's important to
start by stopping the build up of tension in the body and demonstrates 2 techniques that directly address the physical sources
of imbalance with descriptions of how and why they work. 18 minutes
2 hour presentation on Restoring and Maintaining Physical, Mental, and Emotional Balance
Videos on issues and concerns frequenty brought up by patients and students
Understanding Emotion
Understanding PTSD
Understanding and Resolving Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Building Healthy Relationships 13:36
Learning to Stop Worrying
Understanding and Managing Anger
Common Features of a Healthy Recovery 10:34
Managing Chronic Pain and Headaches
Role of Tension in Headaches
Removing obstacles to sleep
Reaching for and Realizing Full Potential
Understanding Depression
ABC's of Stress Management
Understanding the Mourning Process
School Stress
Understanding Transitions
Understanding and Resolving Problems with Impulse Control
Removing Obstacles to Sleep
Healthy Self Esteem
Common Patterns of Tension and How to Resolve Them
Disciplining Children and Teens
Thoughts on Human Nature