Bob Van Oosterhout

Bring Truth to Fear: We CAN Work Together

Support Opportunity & Service Circles - A Neigborhood Organizing Tool
About Bob (...What about Bob?)
Anger and Impulse Control
Anxiety, Depression, PTSD
Behavioral Health Integration with Primary Care
Bring Truth to Fear: We CAN Work Together
Hard Times Cafe Model of Empowerment
Links to Videos for Online Stress Management at LCC
Managing Chronic Pain and Headaches
Mental Health
Moral Philosophy
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Practical Psychology: What Works and Makes Sense
Problem Solving - Responding Effectively to Problems
Slow Down and Lighten Up
Spiritual Writing
Stress Management
What Works
Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Comments, Suggestions, Discussion

This page serves as a temporary link to the website Bring Truth to Fear, which was originally set up as a response to the 2016 election.  The new version of Bring Truth to Fear is being developed as a response to the current pandemic.  It will become available in the near future.

Bring Truth to Fear grew out of the realization that the use of fear as a political tactic along with increasing divisiveness and a lack of respect for the truth are undermining our capacity to work together to solve problems and maintain a stable and healthy democracy.
Bring Truth to Fear is a grass roots effort to bring respect for truth and responsibility to our political system and find common ground among diverse interests.  Initial areas of focus are to:  (1) Develop, and fine-tune, apps, training materials and resources to help citizens and students to recognize and confront Fear-Based Thinking as well as divisive and misleading information in politics and the media; and (2) Create tools, resources and opportunities to find Common Ground between factions and interest groups that have been pulled apart by the political process.
Bringing Truth to Fear challenges us to change our minds - to expand our view of the world and each other.  We need to evolve from passive recipients of news and media to active searchers for truth so we can work together to solve problems and realize our potential.

What the World Needs Now

Imagine If You Can - People's News

Vision and Process

Project Summary - Graphic (Updated 10-17-17)

Bobby Ghosh, Editor-in-Chief of the Hindustan Times, and former World Editor for Time Magazine introduces Bob at the Rotary World Peace Conference, Ann Arbor Mi, March 2017


Fear-Based Thinking

Excerpt from book "Fear-Based Thinking"

Excerpt from Truth and the Brain: A Practical Understanding of How It Works and What Works

Understanding Fear - Graphic

Effects of Fear on Thinking - Graphic

What Is Fear-Based Thinking

How We Get Stuck in Fear-Based Thinking - Graphic

Recognizing Fear-Based Thinking - Graphic

Responding to Fear-Based Thinking - Graphic

Introduction to Fear-Based Thinking - Video -Presentation at Center For Teaching Excellence Part 1 of 5

Understanding Fear - Video - Presentation at Center for Teaching Excellence, Lansing Community College Part 2 of 5

How We Get Stuck in Fear Based Thinking - Video - Presentation at Center for Teaching Excellence, Lansing Community College Part 3 of 5

Fear-Based Thinking Handout -PowerPoint format

Restoring Respect for Truth

Excerpt from book "What is True?"

Resources on Media Literacy, Asking Questions And How the Brain Works

Fact Checking Sites to Explore

Media Literacy:  Helping Students Discover What is True - presentation at Center for Teaching Excellece, Lansing Community College, Nov. 7, 2017

Part 1 Video - Introduction and Overview

PowerPoint Slides for Media Literacy- Helping Students Discover What is True

How Facebook Feeds Bias and Fake News

Truth: How It Works

Truth: What Goes Wrong

Truth: What Works

Reaching Out to the Other Side

Chapter Headings for Book Reaching Out to the Other Side: Learning to Work Together

Excerpt from book: Reaching Out to the Other Side

Understand Together:

A process to support and facilitate respectful and meaningful exploration of issues by groups of people with different perspectives

Understand Together - How It Will Work

Understand Together - Process of Development

Ground Rules and First Steps

Articles & Excerpts

Imagine if you can...

We CAN Work Together


Looking for Co-Authors


Additional Information

Apps in Development


Want to Join Us?

If you would like to be placed on a mailing list to receive updated outlines and chapters of Bring Truth to Fear, or are interested in becoming involved in this project, please send an email to

Link to videos mentioned in "Bringing Truth to Fear" article (The first 3 videos cover techniques described during the talk)

Our democracy may not survive if we remain passive recipients of news and unquestioning followers of those who seek to lead us.  It is becoming the duty of each citizen to discern what is true and meaningful in order to understand and address the issues and problems we face and to recognize opportunities that help us work together toward lasting improvement.




Video of talk "Bring Truth to Fear" at Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth 1-29-17