Bob Van Oosterhout

Mental Health
Support Opportunity & Service Circles - A Neigborhood Organizing Tool
About Bob (...What about Bob?)
Anger and Impulse Control
Anxiety, Depression, PTSD
Behavioral Health Integration with Primary Care
Bring Truth to Fear: We CAN Work Together
Hard Times Cafe Model of Empowerment
Links to Videos for Online Stress Management at LCC
Managing Chronic Pain and Headaches
Mental Health
Moral Philosophy
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Practical Psychology: What Works and Makes Sense
Problem Solving - Responding Effectively to Problems
Slow Down and Lighten Up
Spiritual Writing
Stress Management
What Works
Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Comments, Suggestions, Discussion

Core Principles of Mental Health

Core Functions of Mental Health - Mental, physical, emotional & social operations that have the most direct effects on mental health

Practices That Develop Essential Skills and Capabilities Needed to Restore and Maintain Mental Health

Responding effectively to problems and concerns involves action and awareness that consistently moves things in a healthy direction for all who are affected and leads to prevention and resolution of similar and related problems and concerns over the long term.  This is accomplished when we see clearly with an open heart.

Effectively Responding to Problems - Graphic

Effectively Responding to Problems - Details

Links to videos, handouts & presentations

Anxiety, Depression, PTSD



This page is a work in progress.  Your thoughts, ideas and feedback are much appreciated.